Showing posts with label MONITORING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MONITORING. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014



Please check that the tabulation of marks are correct to date.
Those with R please redo the worksheet as they have either incomplete statement or wrong mathematical notation used.
All the materials must be filed in the following order:
.1 Notes
.2 Assignments
.3 Quizzes (assessments)

according to topic:
.A Financial Matters (Practical Application) - 2 assignments
.B Probability - 4 assignments
.C Statistics - 1 assignment with 1 due in Week 5
.E Geometric Constructions - 1 assignment due in Week 6
.F Equation of Circle - 1 assignment in Week 7
.G Plane Geometry - 1 assignment in Week 7

Should you need assistance in understanding the concept do approach me or your friends.

Marks highlighted in blue indicate excellent to outstanding quality
cell in Pink indicates no submission or work not received (reasons not stated)
R indicates work has to be resubmitted  due to quality or concept
A+ outstanding work submitted

please note the following:
TOPICS covered for Level Test (EM & AM)                                                                      
ensure that you are familiar with the topics to be tested. As secondary 4 is a critical year for assessment you are expected to review past topics covered in secondary 3 and lower secondary. The regular short class quizzes administered by your ST help to review the past and new knowledge and skills.
Ensure that you have the approved scientific calculator (with the SST sticker)
- familiarise yourself with the functions such as the STATs function
Geometrical sets (compass, protractor, rules, eraser, decent pencil)